Splunk Internship
UX Researcher
A brief look through of various projects I led during my time as a UX research intern on the Core Platform Design team at Splunk. These projects covered foundational, generative and evaluative research.
UX Researcher, UX Designer
A mobile platform made for discovering and reserving local public workspaces and coworking spaces targeted towards students, remote workers, and freelancers based on their situational needs.
UX Researcher
A phone healthcare application that helps patients manage their medical data. The application functions as a digital wallet that stores and authorizes digital versions of health records and identity credentials. The application lets the patient have full control over every bit of information that is shared with clinics.
Product Design, UI/UX Design, Graphic Design
A phone application designed to encourage and incentivize environmentally conscious habits through a gamified daily task system, tracking and control of smart devices and meaningful rewards that positively impact the environment.
Product Design, UI/UX Design, Front End Development, Graphic Design
An online interactive platform that offers entrepreneurship coaching, networking and mentor services to high school students.
Tenacity Flow
Product Design, UI/UX Design, Game Design, Graphic Design
Tenacity Flow is an interactive experience for the WatchOS along with an iOS companion app that is designed to promote and encourage self regulation and mindfulness in middle schoolers through video games.
Game Design
Graphic Design